About Me

I lack a  regional identity........   Born  and bought up  in Karnataka  to a Telugu origin  Dad and tamil speaking andra settled mom , moved to maharastra for my job where i really discovered myself , married  to a pure  tamilian. At present i base in  US with a completely americanized daughter.   In   short  a  vagabound ( a gypsy ).
I am a million little things ...  a mother of 1 who  equalls to 3 , a friend , a wife and may  more to  write some discovered  some hidden and  some undiscovered 
In this blog i woluld like to bring the three major that is  making a present ME..
 A Mom by desire  , A cook  by force which is now become  my  choice and a photographer in the make .
Bass( My Hubby ) was  tired of  me cribbing of things that i have lost past recent  years ..I myself was.   i was lost  and  worried  of the time i wasted  doing  nothing. I  thought  it will be  worth wile  to  utilize  it  for  something that i wanted to  do for  many  years  for  which i never had time  and one among the big  wish list was photgraphy . As  all of us  do  we too bought a   new SLR nikon D 3100 and it was time to put it to use    So  this  gave  me the  idea  to ,infacebookand learn photography and Thats the  whole  reason of ONE A DAY.


The 365 project is a  where  u capture a year of  yur life  by taking a photo daily .Its been going on since a couple of years  among the enthusiastic photpgraphers to capture their lifes in a  single photo taken daily and post in somewhere online .Most  of them do it  photoblog,make their own blogs  like i  did , some in flickr and many more available in www .
I  started  it  instantly most of my decisions  are like that , i was  browsing through different photographic website and   came along  this  idea and i   started  with this  blog . It  took me  couple of  days  to   undersatnd  how  blogs  are  done  and how its  manged . it  was difficult  to  work in the day  with a  24*7 highly active kutty devil at home .  so i started to sit  in late hours enjoying the complete silence and  freedom  of  using the laptop for  my use and not palying any rhymes or Dora in it .
 since its  the first  time i doing this  i  really dont know  whether i will be able  to find interesting topics everyday. its n ot very easy to carry a   DSLR everywhere i go.  but  no excuses  for now
happy  browsing  all................... have  fun with the post and pics .
advise on better  job, crtisizism , funy comments,  critisism , and above all appreciation  is always welcomed with a  broad smile .