Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 68: My favourite

This  is  my Favourite 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 67 : Jump up high

  Love  ya   Harshith

Day 66: Pearls from nature

Morning Dew................ is  natures jewels that we  get almost every day but we hardly  notice it . Its  been ages that  i have  seen  them and  today  suddenly  i went out  for a  walk and  happened  to  eye these beautiful pearls and  captured it .

Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 65 : Surprizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Was surprized to recieve a  bouquet of red rose and  a touching  cards from bass.... the  gift  was not  surprize  but  bass  doing this  was  a  BIG  surprizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Day 64: Walking together for 4 years

we both completed  4 years  oof married  life  and  9 years  of knowing  each other.   but this  is  our  2nd  anniversary that  we  are together after the  first  one,   were  not  together for  some  reasons  so this  was  special .

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 63 : Colours

 These were the coicest bowls i got  from  my shoping today ,  bass kept  on asking  me  the  use  of  them  and i told  him everthing bought   is  not useful but some  are just  for likeness, i just  loved them.

Day 62: Busy day

 Was  a very busy day.....................

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 61: Friends

Friends for life

Jolly  time ........ thomas  train

 Cheeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz pllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Char  bandar... Four  monkeys
 Hear  no Bad
Talk no bad
See No  bad

fouth  one  for  boys ... hahahah

Do no bad  .

 We had  a lovely time  on saturday  night , with good  food and  wonderful time  with kids ... it was  such an fun to capture these kids in my lense ,,,,, one of  my most tiring  and  funfilled  photo session.
Thanks  Kids  u  guys  made moms day.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 60: Rain and Sun

Had rained  heavily  and  yet  there was  beautiful sunset ,  tried to capture  it from  car.

Day 59 : A Rainy day

 Rain Rain go away
come again  some other day
little  Rhea wants to play
rain rain go to spain.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 58: Caught in the web

Day 57: The Bud

 These  three pics are  only to  tell  all that  i am trying learn photography and  trying  to understand  many terms of  it  like F-stop, DOF and what not.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 48: Hide and seek

This red bird  is  been playing hide and seek  for  quite some time , i have  tried number of times to capture it  in my lense  but  always failed to ....... one  day sure i will get  the  right shot 

Day 47: The glow

 This  glowing  flower is a  night lamp  from ikea placed in Rheas room .This  is  Rheas and mine favourite.

Day 46: The cute little fighter

Last evening was a very pleasent evening with  welcome breeze on a hot summer day  and  slight showers made a good evening , but  it wasnt the sight for this little cute bird which fell of  its  home .... it made several tries to  get back to where it belongs  and  later was successful. it  took  the cutie more than 40 mins  nd  during this  struggle  it  learnt the lesson to  fly and all on its own .... the  mommy bird  kept watching it  from a  distance  and later rejoiced its reunion.... loved  it throughly.

Day 45: color... color.... whats the color u want ?

colours are  beautiful and  coloured bangles with all those ding-a-lings and ting-a-lings are everyones favourite

Day 44: A lazy day ....

After all the  celebrations and  gatherings  it was  da y  to stay  back at home .. was a  lazy day   and  was home  the  wholeday 

Day 43: Baby shower

To be  mom

To be parents 

 We all did  it  

This was the second baby shower in our  group... had a  fun time  organizing and  doing it, it was the typical tamil style. Had a fun time  

Day 42 : Lost count

  Capturing Rheas best  photo  in 1 2 3     is a  challenge... this  took  some  30 shots to get  her captured ..

 I have lost  count on the lost days in the project.. had a  busy  weekend with  more than 3 birthdays and a baby  shower.   but the  best  part  is  that  had a  maximun fun loaded  time  with  some  nice  shots  i hope i  will be  able  to  fill in the  blanks  days ...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 41 : Spider

 This  was rare spider pic which  i had  taken last week before i left  to florida, since i have not taken any pics during the busy weekend i thought i will post this. Thanks  to yams  who found this  spider and  informed  me