Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 34: Disney world .... A Dream come true trip

 These  shots  bring  in the glimpses of  my  tour to  Disney world... i  loved  it  and  would  love  to  share it with you all.  This Park is  best i have  ever  seen and  experienced , in terms of facility and  technology.

 The  Dream Cinderella  castle....... from the  time  i   have  been  watching mickey and  donald  show  it has  been  my  dream to   visit  Disney world,  and  here is  my  dream  come  true shots....

 Inside the  castle  and  near the  royal table

The  electrical parade and the illuminations  were breath taking ... loved  it  a  zillion times .... worth waiting  worth visiting . It was  one  of the  best  ever  seen .

Day 33: Morning Glory

 Missed  a  weeks  posting, was out on Orlando  trip . had a  fantastic  time and  would  like  to  share the  pics .Posting more than a pic  for  a  day .... i guess  should nt  matter . Not keeping any  backlogs toooooooo.

This was taken  from the  Delta flight to  Orlando.... it  was  so beautiful that  i  had  to effort myself  to  take the camera  out and  change the lense. This  was  one  of  dream project  to  capture  some  nice aerial shots .
Tried to do the best . 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 32: A Night shot

 Trial with the night  shot .... will do better  next  time 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 31: Close look

Most of the time  we never pay attention to the little things in life, closer looks at  it  bring the colour out and u realize how  important those little things are.

Day 30 : Summer sport

 Welcome Summer..... more  sports are waiting ............ love  ya  

Day 29: Sunset

This was my first attempt  to capture the sunset  on SLR, not being the  best shot  will try for better one  next time 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 28: Dosa fest

 We suddenly planned  to  have a  feast  over Royal at the dosa fest ,  we  tried about  8 types of  dosa. Had a  wonderful  time .

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 27: Sunny Day

 It was nice to  meet Mr. Sun  peeping through  my  bedroom window, after a  few days of his disapperence . ,

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 25: Baby Sower

   Expecting young Mom

 To be parents 

We All
We all organized a baby shower to yamini  in a very tradional fashion, and had a great time.

Day 24: The silver lining

  I  always loved  to look at the clouds and today  the sky was  very active and i could not resist myself in capturing them , loved the  way  they made different formations in the sky

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 22: lazing around

When Rhea is around she keep me on my toes and when she takes her afternoon nap its time for self indulgence and these are my favourites. 

Day 21: Symbol of love

The  world wide symbol of love is a red rose  and howcan i keep it away from my blog,  yeah  if ur guessing that i gave this  to bass  on his bday  then ur absolutely  right.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 20: Birthday bash

 See who is got a year older....  yeah  its bass .  I did not bake the cake this  time  , we bought it .
Me baking cake  is a known secret so tried  changing the expected.

Day 19: Eating out

 We planned  at the last minute and rushed to and indian restuarant , we were the last one to be in and also out and we made just before the kitchen closed. Had  to huff and  puff to reach here and the trouble  was  worth it. The chicken dosa served was heavenly,  sorry for the poor quality of the pic , could not  resist the dosa nor prawns 65 . Yummmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 18: The Life

"So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” Bible Quotes 

This  was  my first attempt in gardening and i am glad  am successful. 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 17: The Architect

This architect is  the busiest and smallest of all. My daughter  has  takena  sudden  dislike to all the poochis(insects) in the world and spider is the  first in the list . whns  she was playing on the staircase she got t  notice  this. That  is how i  could capture this  one . Thanks to Rhea ans he  poochi instinct.

My moms kitchen

This is  a blog  which i   have dedicated to my mom  who was a  good  cook  and  food lover, please  check  out  for  more recipes.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 16: My sweet Jumpy

 It took me 3days and several shots to capture this  sweet  little  jumpy who is my daily patio visitor. i love the way he jumps around the trees . Infact  he  is  my favorite passtime.

Day 15: searching for sunlight

Never mind searching for who you are.  Search for the person you aspire to be.  ~Robert Brault,

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 14: Steady and sturdy

This one is my daughters favourite animal and possesion. i guess its because she  too is ever  energetic and tireless as a black stallion

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 13 : Celebrations

Celebrations  always brings  joy, happiness. we celebrated Anu's bday . had  lot of  fun  with lot of  food drinks and yummy cake.(shhhhh...... dont  talk about diet here its banned )

Day 12: Strings that connect us

Sometimes it  makes me wonder how  life around us is  connected . We live miles  from  our family  and  yet we feel connected . Thanks  to the modern technology that  has bought the world so close .

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 11: Strawberry picking

The  Day  was  full of  strawberries , we had  been to  wasingtom farms  for  strawberry festival.
Picked   2 basket full of berries. it was such an wonderful experience had  fun to the core . Thankyou  nature  for  still having  mercy on us.

Day 10: Shades of spring

 The  shades of  spring are  so many as the shades of life .  These are so colourful that  iam completely  fallen in love with then and  bought a couple of plants to my place and  also made  me do  a little  bit of gardening and  started of with planting some  seeds at home.

 PS : the  photo  was taken on  friday   but failed to post  . so  combining  all the missed pictures